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Wi-Fi connexion not working since the heat wave started this week (tried rebooting many times). Is t

Robin M. #13439
Robin M. #13439 Messages 2 ✭✭
Since 2 days and the beginning of the heat wave, the wifi connexion either is very slow or simply shuts down. Both lights (2.4 and 5 GHz) are on but there’s no connexion therefore we have to use or mobile data to seek for help.. I tried rebooting many times but it actually gets worse. This happened in the past during the fall right after a rain storm. There seems to be a problem after every weather storm or event... I’m really starting to consider going for a more expansive but more reliable company. This is my last shot trying to solve this.

Meilleure réponse

  • Mike
    Mike Messages 21,726 ✭✭
    Réponse ✓
    The problem it seems to be a coaxial cable signal.
    Do you have one or both arrow shaped light flashing? This means that you have a problem with the coaxial cable signal.

    Contact the support to let them check your signal

    here's how to contact customer support by chat, from 8 AM to 9 PM everyday:

    1- Connect to your Fizz account (if you have more than one, connect to the one that has the problem) by clicking « Login » in the top right corner at
    2- Click on this link:
    3- The green chat bubble should appear after a few seconds in the bottom right corner.

    Do not hesitate to mark this answer as the best
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