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Why is my HP printer not connecting to the network?

mason L. #26072
mason L. #26072 Messages 1 ✭✭
If your HP printer is not connecting to the network, then you should try to restart your wireless or wired router and your printer as well. At times due to problems with your internet services, the issue arises. Hence you can contact your network provider to check for the services. Additionally, you should always use an updated HP printer driver to resolve most of the issues, and also a free tool is available on the HP website called HP print and scan doctor. All these methods will help you in solving HP Printer not connecting problem.


  • Paul A. 60420
    Paul A. 60420 Messages 1 ✭✭
    HP is a famous brand offering good quality digital electronic products. There are some technical issues that you may face with these devices. You should visit to get complete solution for HP devices.
  • Pascal
    Pascal Messages 7,469 ✭✭
    Probably a problem with your HP printer.
    If you have another question, it’s preferable to use website English version. You will receive more helps from community
  • Sandra D. #29071
    Sandra D. #29071 Messages 1 ✭✭
    Hello friends,
    There are several reign behind it that our Hp printer is not connecting with internet. In case you need solution then you can connect with Hp printer service center but before going their you need to visit here and get some simple ways that will help you to fix your issues. Visit :