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why is my text messaging working, I didn't pay for that

Dulcie Messages 1 ✭✭
why is my text messaging working, I didn't pay for that,
am I gonna be charged for that

Meilleure réponse

  • Nini G. #13860
    Nini G. #13860 Messages 1,219 ✭✭
    Réponse ✓
    You won’t be charge since it’s prepaid.Check your plan on your account, maybe you do have text messaging! Also please note that all in coming messages are free of charge.


  • dante_nate
    dante_nate Messages 46 ✭✭
    Incoming Text massages are included in all plans. Can you send text messages?
  • MichelP
    MichelP Messages 8,731 ✭✭
    Dont worry!
    Be informed that all the incoming test messaging you are receiveing are always free of charge.
  • Phane
    Phane Messages 941 ✭✭
    Et le forum en anglais ça t’intéresses tu ?!
  • M T. #12340
    M T. #12340 Messages 766 ✭✭
    Incoming text is always free.
    If you put some funds in "Wallet" you'll be able to send text and it bill be debited from your "Wallet" at 0.05 per sending text
  • André L. #16536
    André L. #16536 Messages 647 ✭✭

    incoming SMS are free of charge.

    Outgoing SMS require either an SMS plan, or money in your Fizz Wallet where they will charge 0.05$ per SMS you send.


    If you have no money in your Fizz Wallet, then no outgoing SMS will be allowed and you will not be charged.

  • __________
    __________ Messages 2,604 ✭✭
    En français, s.v.p.

    Le côté anglophone est
  • sman
    sman Messages 5,352 ✭✭
    This is one of good thing about Fizz
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