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Galaxy a5 - internet et MMS fonctionne pas même avec configuration APN - bug?

Karolanne L.
Karolanne L. Messages 2 ✭✭
pour ceux que ça peut aider:
mon a5 nembarquait pas sur l'internet LTE et les MMS ne fonctionnaient pas même après toutes les configurations recommandées par Fizz. Il s'avère que le telephone a un bug et on le fix comme ceci:
while using a Galaxy A5, ask the client to follow the below steps. and after Internet is ok MMS should be too if the APN is correctly set
1. Setup the APN:
2. Put the Network mode to LTE/WCDMA/GSM (Auto)
3. Call any number and stay on the call till the customer can see the sign 3G close to the Network bar
4. After seeing the 3G signal, hang up the call and after 20 seconds the LTE sign will replace the 3G signal, then the client can be connected to the Internet

Meilleure réponse

  • Karolanne L.
    Karolanne L. Messages 2 ✭✭
    Réponse ✓
    Here goes: while using a Galaxy A5, ask the client to follow the below steps. and after Internet is ok MMS should be too if the APN is correctly set
    1. Setup the APN:
    2. Put the Network mode to LTE/WCDMA/GSM (Auto)
    3. Call any number and stay on the call till the customer can see the sign 3G close to the Network bar
    4. After seeing the 3G signal, hang up the call and after 20 seconds the LTE sign will replace the 3G signal, then the client can be connected to the Internet


  • Mike
    Mike Messages 21,925 ✭✭

    Voici la configuration d'un usager, la difference était Bearer


    For Android phones


    For internet


    Proxy: Not set
    Port: Not set
    Username: Not set
    Password: Not set
    Server: Not set
    MMSC: Not set
    MMS proxy: Not set
    MMS port: Not set
    MCC: 302
    MNC: 500
    Authentification type: Not set
    APN type: default
    APN protocol: IPv4
    APN roaming protocol: IPv4
    Enable/disable APN: checked
    Bearer: Unspecified
    Mobile virtual network operator type: GID
    Mobile virtual network operator value: 55


    For the MMS


    Name: FIZZ MMS
    Proxy: Not set
    Port: Not set
    Username: Not set
    Password: Not set
    Server: Not set
    MMS proxy:
    MMS port: 80
    MCC: 302
    MNC: 500
    Authentification type: Not set
    APN type: mms
    APN protocol: IPv4
    APN roaming protocol: IPv4
    Enable/disable APN: checked
    Bearer: LTE
    Mobile virtual network operator type: GID
    Mobile virtual network operator value: 55
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