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Capital One shortcode?

Mikael Guitard
Mikael Guitard Messages 5 ✭✭
Cant receive shortcode from Capital One,wich mean that I cant confirm my identity and cant have access to my credit card.That's a big issue

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  • Mikael Guitard
    Mikael Guitard Messages 5 ✭✭
    To clarify: I cant receive shortcode sms from Capital One because of fizz issue with 2FA and shortcode numbers.
  • TheMMc
    TheMMc Messages 489 ✭✭
    It's a known issue a lot of short code sms or 2FA doesn't work on Fizz. Papal is one of them .. and so on.
  • M T. #338
    M T. #338 Messages 2,934 ✭✭
    It's a known issue. I have reported this specific issue with Capitol One a couple of months ago
  • Serge O. #3665
    Serge O. #3665 Messages 537 ✭✭
    Suppose To work but it is a known issue
  • __________
    __________ Messages 2,611 ✭✭
    Just by curiosity, what is SwiftID and does this solution work in Canada or only in USA?

    FYI: I searched for “Capitol One 2FA” in Google and got this result. I'm just curious. Never heard about that.
  • Vincent Mercier
    Vincent Mercier Messages 2 ✭✭
    I'm having the same issue, and I am disappointed with Fizz... I'm actively looking for deals elsewhere now :/ this is one of those things we take for granted nowadays...
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