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Michaël C. 7570
Messages 1 ✭✭
dans Mobilité
Could you use a prepaid credit card for subscribing ? (plan + sim card)
After do we can have a bill by mail that you could pay at bank for convenience ?
After do we can have a bill by mail that you could pay at bank for convenience ?
Meilleure réponse
Hi Jean-Maxime,
You can find the accepeted payment methods here:
Have a great day!
Here is not the place to communicate with Fizz team, try to contact them by :
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Good luck!1 -
I don't think you can use a prepaid credit card + there is no bill by mail , it's all online and the amount of your bill will be paid with a credit card registered to your account. If a payment is not complete your line will cut until you pay . Fizz try to take a payment at night if you miss one so you have almost 24h of down time.3
Les cartes acceptés sont de crédit VISA ou Mastercard ou une carte de débit Mastercard.
Les autres méthodes de paiement ne peuvent pas être utilisés, comme cartes de débit (autres que Mastercard) ou cartes prépayées.
Plus d'info sur ce lien : -
If you search the community hub you will see that some people where successful with prepaid credit card and other weren’t. There is the paiement methods they accept Also Fizz don’t send you a bill to pay later since it is a prepaid service. You have the invoice in your account when the automatic payment has passed on your credit card.1
I suggest you to ask your question in english in the english forum:
You can't pay by mail. You need to register your credit card in order by buy sim card and pay your plan. Payment will be processed automatically by Fizz at the beginning of each cycle1
Merci de fermer la question1
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