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referal code input ?

elyse B. #506
elyse B. #506 Messages 7 ✭✭
I have a referal code. I dont know where to put it. I was at the last step where you put in the credit card information and it still was not asking for it. So i did not pursue and came here to ask the question. let me know how to proceed.

Meilleure réponse

  • HugoLH
    HugoLH Messages 454 ✭✭
    Réponse ✓
    @Elyse B. If I am not mistaken, it's the stop after the credit card where there's a summary of the order and you'll need to check the terms box to complete the transaction.
    As this step (where there's the checkbox and a summary of the order with the taxes) you'll be able to enter the referral code.


  • HugoLH
    HugoLH Messages 454 ✭✭
    @Sean H. I think that Elyse B. was more asking about where to use the referral code, not exactly where she can get hers.
  • Cristinel R.
    Cristinel R. Messages 48 ✭✭
    You will be asked to insert your referral code during the purchase the SIM card. I don't remember if it's after the credit card info but it's in one of the steps.
  • J D. #792
    J D. #792 Messages 316 ✭✭
    you will also be asked to enter the referral code again when you activate your SIM card. Once you entered the referral code MAKE SURE YOU CLICK THE GREEN ARROW BUTTON next to the box where you entered the code. A message popup at the top will show a message telling you that the referral entered has been successful. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT to see the message, otherwise it won't take it. After that, you will continue with your activation, transfer number....
  • MoYe
    MoYe Messages 657 ✭✭
    Correct , yes
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