If anyone needs a referral code, here is mine : 98IDK :)
If anyone needs a referral code, here is mine : 98IDK :)
If anyone needs a referral code, here is mine : 98IDK :)
If anyone needs a referral code, here is mine : 98IDK :)
Chosen by moderators, but you should pick me <3
Did you break the internet ?!
What a good guy !
Bonjour Elsa, Voici de la documentation sur les parametres reseaux. Au plaisir de vous repondre.
Yes, I've been liking post and commenting. I feel like I'm not receiving all the points that I should be receiving...
Desfois ils sont en retard, tu devrais la voir dans les prochains jours. @Mike, questions in french can still be answered as there is a lot of french people that can reply.
Everyone is so generous ! Enjoy !!
Thank you very much.
Yes you can do that ! If anyone needs a referral code, here is mine : 98IDK !
No problems today on my side in Montreal area.
Through Messenger, it's the easiest.
Yes you should not divulge your private information on this public forum. Else, just follow @Mike's solution.
Contacte le support et regarde ce qu'ils peuvent faire pour toi.
Give 20 kudos every day. I'm aiming for level 3 (4500 points). Almost there !!!
It's too late now, you need to enter the code before registering. The best way is to create another account....
Send me your phone number.
You can unsubscribe from your account. Very simple, follow the steps above for french or english version. Good job @Mike and @Thiago !
Choose me as a best answer !!! So we can close this topic !!! haha
Maybe your antivirus is the problem.
Under my plans -> Manage plans, there will be your account number. Put four 0's in front of your 8-digit account number and there you go !
Des excellents points Francis ! Je suis converti Fizz depuis quelques mois deja aussi et j'adore !