My referral code for a $40 discount: QSX8K Keep it fizzy
Have you checked your transaction history under “My plans”? It may contain some information about what the charge is about.
Being active on the help page means that once the chat is open, you have to stay logged into it.
Le plus près que j’ai pu trouver est le numéro de forfait. Pour y accéder, connecte-toi à ton compte, choisis l’onglet “Mes forfaits”, choisis le forfait dont tu veux connaitre le numéro et clique sur “historique”. Si tu ouvres un des relevés, le numéro de forfait devrait être listé.
I believe there is a limit to the number of kudos you can give in a given amount if time. Like some way to prevent people from liking everything in an attempt to level up. I’m not sure where that limit lies though.
This is a known and ongoing issue that has to do with short code sms. It has been like that for months and I don’t believe we have an estimated time for when it’ll be fixed. You can learn more here:
It is possible that there is a “minimum call length”, but two minutes seems like a long time. You should contact customer support and check with them:
The most likely thing to happen is that you will need to customize your plan again once you activate the SIM card. You should use a referral code when you do so. You and someone else will save money.
Being active here, answer questions, give kudos, etc. Referring your friends also gives a lot of points. Otherwise, you’ll get points just by paying your monthly bills.
You could probably add introductory prices to pros, at least for now. Also the fact that you need to bring your own phone is a con for some.
The best way is to stay active. Being made best answer gives a nice boost but there’s no real way to ensure that happens.
Did you activate the upgrade in your profile page? I’m also not entirely sure if it starts right away or at the next billing cycle once you activate it.
Go to and wait a few seconds. A bubble icon will appear, giving you access to the chat. You won’t get a response outside of business hours though.
I’d be down!
I think it varies between people. Like pretty much any part of this website, there is a weird latency for anything to update. Give it a day or two and it should hopefully show up.
I found that by accident one day. Click the star on the “My account page”, then press the apprentice progress bar. It should bring you to the goals page but now the ranking mission tab is visible. It’s pretty convoluted... Updated my answer because I initially messed up the steps to bring it up.
Apparently there are a few that have risen above Apprentice 3/5
Each plan has its own wallet. You can see it under “My plans” and clicking “Manage” on a specific plan. They should all be empty if you didn’t add anything.
I found this thread that might help you:
Are your calls working? If not, did you make sure you are connected to the network? Has it ever worked before? What have you done to try and resolve the issue? If you haven’t done it already, I would try turning your phone off and on again to see if it resolves the issue.