New here!

Hey everyone, just wanted to say Hi. Looking forward to learning about FIZZ and making new friends and helping out.


  • elena code xzi4t
    elena code xzi4t Posts: 8,996 ✭✭
    edited December 20

    welcome to the community

    here's a post I found, regarding the points, making points will help you to level up and gain more rewards, therefore, lower you price too.

    Participate in the community and you'll receive:

    • 3 points for answering a question

    • 50 points for providing the first best answer

    • 100 points for each month of activity

    You'll also receive points for earning various badges.

    On your Fizz account, you'll receive:

    • 10 points for every dollar paid on your monthly plan.

    • Nearly 3 points for every dollar spent at the Fizz mobile store here: 

    • 3 points every time you gift data from your mobile plan: 

    • 200 points for every confirmed referral (2nd payment): 

    The points you earn will be automatically recorded in your account, on the left menu when you log in, or under My Fizz Benefits/My Rewards.

    Other useful links:

  • BlueGiant_L57D2
    BlueGiant_L57D2 Posts: 6,865 ✭✭

    Welcome on board @Mitsu2023 !

  • G225 code IRSGE
    G225 code IRSGE Posts: 3,947 ✭✭

    Welcome here!

  • Step_WYQMY
    Step_WYQMY Posts: 1,841 ✭✭

    Welcome @Mitsu2023 , keep being an active member of this community

    THORGAL CODE WT31T Posts: 6,004 ✭✭


    Welcome among us, if you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask them

  • Bois_3ISKD
    Bois_3ISKD Posts: 3,400 ✭✭

    Welcome to Fizz !

  • Mike RZMAX
    Mike RZMAX Posts: 2,786 ✭✭

    Welcome to the forum!

  • Mitsu2023
    Mitsu2023 Posts: 6
    thanks, great info.
  • Micos
    Micos Posts: 647 ✭✭

    Welcome to Fizz.