The Apprentice, the film about Donald Trump has been released.

G225 code IRSGE
G225 code IRSGE Posts: 3,946 ✭✭

Is it a kind of film that attracts you?

I'm going to wait for it to be released on platform I think, not being a movie guy.


  • SweetFizz
    SweetFizz Posts: 559 ✭✭

    I tend to lean more on anime movies. I like My Hero Academia.

  • Oli 64JKA
    Oli 64JKA Posts: 6,555 ✭✭

    Not realy but I might watch this one. I'm curious about Trump life.

  • Devnull
    Devnull Posts: 205 ✭✭

    he is a character, so makes sense there’s a movie about him, plus he’s rich so people are naturally opinionated about him. Oh yea and a former president of the united states lol

  • RoadWarrior
    RoadWarrior Posts: 66 ✭✭

    IT would be nice if it was without bias, but just like the fake media, the true grit will be white washed away. Fight, fight, fight!