My modem keeps crashing (CODA-4680)

Psykofreak Posts: 3 ✭✭
edited August 2022 in Internet

This is a well known issue with the Hiltron CODA-4680, the Puma chip crash when there are heavy traffic usage (only Netflix makes it crash).. Is there another modem available from Fizz other than this cheap one?

Best Answer

  • Emporium
    Emporium Posts: 2,303 ✭✭
    Answer ✓

    The CODA-4680 is the only modem Fizz has. However something else is wrong here. The PUMA chipset has issues with heavy traffic, but it typically only affects gamers, with higher ping/jitter issues.

    I very often have 2 gamers in the house and 3 media boxes streaming IPTV and other streaming services all simultaneously and don't have any issues.

    Have you REMOVED the protective plastic from around the modem ? Do you have the modem right side up ? The design of the modem, has the heatsink on the top side of the modem to dissipate heat. If you put anything on top of it, or lay it on it's side it can't keep cool. It needs to stay upright and have enough room to breath.

    If the modem is crashing it is quite possible it is defective. I would strongly recommend contacting customer service.

    Fizz Customer service agents are only available online. Here we are all end users like you.

    PS: For me the only combination that works for CHAT, is Firefox, in a private window, and only when in the French language..

    Other means of contact


  • vanigh
    vanigh Posts: 328 ✭✭

    Have you tried connecting your Modem to a router in bridge mode?

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