Added 1GB MEXICO Zone: Latin America, but Mobile Data not working (Setting: Mobile data and Roaming

Sharif Posts: 8 ✭✭
edited March 2022 in Internet

I am currently in Cancun, Mexico (Sun, March 6, 2022).

Before coming here, I read what options available for Fizz customer (and understood Fizz call not possible) - so added

$5: 1GB MEXICO Zone: Latin America, (I also added $5 to my wallet for pay as you go text/sms).

however I find my mobile intiernet access is not working.

In my Samsung S8 Android phone, I am double checked: Mobile data and Roaming is ON.

Mobile network operators was set: Automatically (and had selected: Movistar).

I tried manually selecting: AT&T, TELCEL, 334090, Movistar (but none of this work).

I have restarted my phone few times.

Here Cancun hotel's "free" wifi is really bad (bascially non-existenc, except lobby area).

Please help.

Best Answer


  • Sharif
    Sharif Posts: 8 ✭✭
    edited March 2022

    Thank you so much PF_Ref_D2U9A. It WORKED!!!

    My phone's APN (Access Pont Names) was not set properly.

    It was set to old 'Videtron (, i guess from before switching to Fizz few years ago, but it used to work in Canada and USA locations)...

    I added a new APN as you listed (make sure to select it in main/1st APN selection, if multiple APN added/listed), and then selected AT&T - working like charm, and watching first Sunrise at Cancun.

    Thank you again.

    (Will keep adding $5 1GB as needed for next 6 days, expensive but reliable solution)

  • Rydock
    Rydock Posts: 206 ✭✭

    Oh yeah Nice!!!

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