Can fizz do router vpn . Question solved 2022. Don't look elsewhere.

KillerBunny Posts: 8 ✭✭
edited January 2022 in Internet


Hey guys , the manual for the modem has options that should allow my modem to be used as a router vpn. Can it be done ?

Best Answers

  • KillerBunny
    KillerBunny Posts: 8 ✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Great question

    Let me answer this conclusively since the amount of people giving answers that are just suggestions to essentially google it.

    So yes I asked it , I will also answer it. I suspect the way they give people prizes for merely answering despite the nonsense offered.


    You cannot use your fizz modem as a vpn router. Yes the modem should but fizz for reasons I struggle to understand has removed this option like they removed the logs. I suspect they assume their users are morons. I disagree but what do I know.

    Workarounds that still require additional hardware

    You can use your modem in bridge mode and use a router than does , most VPN services list routers compatible. Fizz will not help you solve it but it is worthwhile as a VPN is useless if your system is compromised prior to the vpn.

    Workarounds without hardware.

    This is done at the nic level. The problem with this is that you can potentially be compromised before even reaching the VPN service and if that is the case , your VPN is useless.

    Hope this answers your question

  • KillerBunny
    KillerBunny Posts: 8 ✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Thanks for giving a full answer to a simple question nobody seems to have answered in any conclusive way. You solved my problem

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