New feature Usage reports

Mike Posts: 21,694 ✭✭
Good news

Did you notice that Fizz added the usage reports?

Now you can see incoming and outgoing calls, SMS and data.

I found this to be a good improvement

So you can go to your account -> select a plan -> Usage reports -> Select the month (you have the last 6 months)

At the moment I see a little bug, the caller id of the incoming call is wrong


  • So_AR
    So_AR Posts: 776 ✭✭
    that's good news
  • cristi
    cristi Posts: 223 ✭✭
    awesome !! thank you for this update !!
  • kokoboko
    kokoboko Posts: 363 ✭✭
    good !! good !! this way we will know for what do we pay and update the plan ...
  • Eddy C. #16138
    Eddy C. #16138 Posts: 2 ✭✭
    I can't access the reports, I always get an error that something went wrong
  • Mike
    Mike Posts: 21,694 ✭✭
    @Buck Yes I saw it in a friend account, it seems that you need to wait the new billing cycle
    New features with some bugs :(, but the good news, that it is almost there
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