This is the place for your referral codes. Here, and only here ⇩



  • Fizzy
    Fizzy Posts: 12,240 ✭✭
    Here's my code: 66KGA

    As usual, I will gift extra data to customers who use my referral code.

    Want to know more?

    Welcome to Fizz!
  • Arameh
    Arameh Posts: 2 ✭✭
    Hey , Here's my referral code : LCXRX
    Thanks :)
  • PierDuc
    PierDuc Posts: 1,628 ✭✭
    Thank YOU so much for using my referral code 2TGZ6
    Until January 6th 2021, it will get us both a 50$ bonus after your second monthly payment.
    Welcome to Fizz!
  • Daniel C. 81242
    Daniel C. 81242 Posts: 2 ✭✭
    Hi everyone.

    I strongly recommend Fizz for residential internet and mobile plans.
    I was with Videotron for a number of years, furstrated by their constant rate hikes and decided it was time to move on to another provider. I really liked the fact that Fizz bundled the modem, router, with no installation fees. It turns out that the Coda 4680 modem (also used by Videotron Helix) outperformed my own Asus AC3200 router which it replaced.
    Please use my reference code for a $25 to $50 rebate ---> E6KDC <---
    Have a great day!
    Je vous recommande fortement ce nouveau Fournisseur Internet résidentiel et mobile. J'étais avec Vidéotron depuis plus de dix années, et exaspérer de leurs hausses de primes continuelles. Alors après de fréquents appels pour faire ajuster ma prime, "enough is enough".
    Je me suis inscrit à une de leur filiale (Fizz). Le prix est de $50 par mois pour du 60Mbps résidentiel incluant l'installation, le router, et modem. Le modem-router intégré qui est fourni est de type "Hélix" (Coda 4680). À ma grande surprise, ce routeur a une meilleure portée et performance supérieur à mon routeur Asus RT-AC3200.
    Fizz offre des forfaits extensibles - on peut prendre juste ce qu'on a de besoin et tout gérer enligne et sur l'application Android ou IOS, ou interface de gestion Web. On peut avoir des bonus pour les forfaits mobiles ainsi que le partage de données et le report de données au mois suivant. Cela fait de Fizz un très bon compétiteur !
    Jetez-y un coup d'œil et utiliser mon code de référence ci bas, pour un rabais de $25 a $50!.
    ---> E6KDC <---
    Je vous souhaite une merveilleuse journée!
  • Colibri
    Colibri Posts: 150 ✭✭
    Hello !

    Switching to Fizz is really great, there are great savings to be made !!!

    I'll share my promo code with you for more savings!

    Activate a mobile or home internet plan with my referral code before January 6, 2021, and we'll each receive a $ 50 bonus instead of the usual $ 25.

    So here is my promo code for a $ 50 discount when activating your account, enter this code: 7XAPH

    At Fizz, there is no contract, unused data is transferred to the next month, surprises. It's up to you to find out.

    To know more?

    Don't forget my code: 7XAPH
    Thanks for using my code!
    THORGAL CODE WT31T Posts: 7,262 ✭✭
    For a limited time, subscribe to Fizz for your home internet or cell phone then use my referral code WT31T and we will each have a referral bonus of $ 50, instead of the usual $ 25. You just need to activate your Fizz services with my reference code WT31T before January 06, 2021. In addition, I remain at your disposal if you have any problems or questions with Fizz :)

    Here is a direct link allowing you to proceed with your subscription without worries, my reference code will already be entered:

    May this holiday season and the coming year be marked by peace, happiness, health and prosperity.

    Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!
  • Fizzy
    Fizzy Posts: 12,240 ✭✭
    Hi! Here's my code: 66KGA

    Thanks! Welcome to Fizz!
  • PierDuc
    PierDuc Posts: 1,628 ✭✭
    Thank YOU so much for using my referral code 2TGZ6
    Until January 6th 2021, it will get us both a 50$ bonus after your second monthly payment.
    Welcome to Fizz!
  • Mine is MYSD8
  • JenD
    JenD Posts: 4 ✭✭
    Here's my referral code: DZ8BR
    Can't decide which of the many codes to pick?
    To try to be equitable and share the wealth, why not do what I did?
    I scrolled down to the very bottom of the list to find the most recent Fizz users to have signed up and posted a new code, and I picked a user name from the bottom that was feminine to try to give the referral bonus to the most recent woman to have signed up. Even in a relatively anonymous forum, it's possible to make semi-informed choices! ;-)
  • jacque C.
    jacque C. Posts: 11 ✭✭
    Code CDBKG pour $$$
  • PierDuc
    PierDuc Posts: 1,628 ✭✭
    Thank YOU so much for using my referral code 2TGZ6
    Until January 6th 2021, it will get us both a 50$ bonus after your second monthly payment.
    Welcome to Fizz!
    THORGAL CODE WT31T Posts: 7,262 ✭✭
    For a limited time, subscribe to Fizz for your home internet or cell phone then use my referral code WT31T and we will each have a referral bonus of $ 50, instead of the usual $ 25. You just need to activate your Fizz services with my reference code WT31T before January 06, 2021. In addition, I remain at your disposal if you have any problems or questions with Fizz :)

    Here is a direct link allowing you to proceed with your subscription without worries, my reference code will already be entered:

    May this holiday season and the coming year be marked by peace, happiness, health and prosperity.

    Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!
  • Andrée
    Andrée Posts: 974 ✭✭
    This is my referral code DRXEJ
    Welcome to Fizz !
    You have made the right choice !
  • Fizzy
    Fizzy Posts: 12,240 ✭✭
    Here's my code: 66KGA

    Welcome to Fizz!
  • This is my code 5TRPC
    It will get us both a 50$ bonus after your second payment if you activate your new account before January 6th 2021.
  • Christine
    Christine Posts: 789 ✭✭
    I’m not sure someone will scroll that low to get a code but just in case, here is mine
  • Waldo
    Waldo Posts: 1,629 ✭✭
    Thank you for choosing my referral code L2FWH
    Welcome to Fizz!
  • Mike
    Mike Posts: 22,062 ✭✭

    If you need a referral code this is mine K61CD, with this code you will receive 50$ credit at your 2nd payment, if you activate your plan before Jan 6, 2021.

    It is important to add the referral code must be used during the creation of your plan when the taxes are shown.

    I helping out a lot on the forum so you can use my code as a thank you
  • Clémentine D.
    Clémentine D. Posts: 137 ✭✭
    Welcome to Fizz!:)
    You are lucky, the referral credit is now $50 till January 6th.
    Use my code to receive the discount: FEOVJ
    THORGAL CODE WT31T Posts: 7,262 ✭✭
    For a limited time, subscribe to Fizz for your home internet or cell phone then use my referral code WT31T and we will each have a referral bonus of $ 50, instead of the usual $ 25. You just need to activate your Fizz services with my reference code WT31T before January 06, 2021. In addition, I remain at your disposal if you have any problems or questions with Fizz :)

    Here is a direct link allowing you to proceed with your subscription without worries, my reference code will already be entered:

    May this holiday season and the coming year be marked by peace, happiness, health and prosperity.

    Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!
  • Irene
    Irene Posts: 5,570 ✭✭
    If you need a referral code, this is mine 5JATM you can also click on this link You will receive 50$ after 2 months, no bad.

    ps: The referral is valid when you create your plan.
  • Colibri
    Colibri Posts: 150 ✭✭
    Hello !

    Switching to Fizz is really great, there are great savings to be made !!!

    I'll share my promo code with you for more savings!

    Activate a mobile or home internet plan with my referral code before January 6, 2021, and we'll each receive a $ 50 bonus instead of the usual $ 25.

    So here is my promo code for a $ 50 discount when activating your account, enter this code: 7XAPH

    At Fizz, there is no contract, unused data is transferred to the next month, surprises. It's up to you to find out.

    To know more?

    Don't forget my code: 7XAPH

    Thanks for using my code!
  • Here is my referal code 5TRPC
    It will get us both a 50$ bonus after your second payment if you activate your new account before January 6th 2021.
  • sman
    sman Posts: 5,589 ✭✭
    This is mine NPONZ (All letters).
  • Qwertysac
    Qwertysac Posts: 24 ✭✭
    If anyone needs a referral code, here is mine:
    The referral bonus is now a cool $50. Pass it along to your friends.
    THORGAL CODE WT31T Posts: 7,262 ✭✭
    For a limited time, subscribe to Fizz for your home internet or cell phone then use my referral code WT31T and we will each have a referral bonus of $ 50, instead of the usual $ 25. You just need to activate your Fizz services with my reference code WT31T before January 06, 2021. In addition, I remain at your disposal if you have any problems or questions with Fizz :)

    Here is a direct link allowing you to proceed with your subscription without worries, my reference code will already be entered:

    May this holiday season and the coming year be marked by peace, happiness, health and prosperity.

    Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!
    THORGAL CODE WT31T Posts: 7,262 ✭✭
    For a limited time, subscribe to Fizz for your home internet or cell phone then use my referral code WT31T and we will each have a referral bonus of $ 50, instead of the usual $ 25. You just need to activate your Fizz services with my reference code WT31T before January 06, 2021. In addition, I remain at your disposal if you have any problems or questions with Fizz :)

    Here is a direct link allowing you to proceed with your subscription without worries, my reference code will already be entered:

    May this holiday season and the coming year be marked by peace, happiness, health and prosperity.

    Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!
  • Fizzy
    Fizzy Posts: 12,240 ✭✭

    Here's my code: 66KGA
    Thanks and
    Welcome to Fizz!
  • sman
    sman Posts: 5,589 ✭✭
    This is mine NPONZ (All letters).
  • sman
    sman Posts: 5,589 ✭✭
    This is mine NPONZ (All letters).
  • Here is my referal code 5TRPC
    It will get us both a 50$ bonus after your second payment if you activate your new account before January 6th 2021.
    THANK YOU and Happy Holidays!
    THORGAL CODE WT31T Posts: 7,262 ✭✭
    For a limited time, subscribe to Fizz for your home internet or cell phone then use my referral code WT31T and we will each have a referral bonus of $ 50, instead of the usual $ 25. You just need to activate your Fizz services with my reference code WT31T before January 06, 2021. In addition, I remain at your disposal if you have any problems or questions with Fizz :)

    Here is a direct link allowing you to proceed with your subscription without worries, my reference code will already be entered:

    May this holiday season and the coming year be marked by peace, happiness, health and prosperity.

    Happy Holidays And Happy New Year!
  • sman
    sman Posts: 5,589 ✭✭
    This is mine NPONZ (All letters).
    THORGAL CODE WT31T Posts: 7,262 ✭✭
    For a limited time, subscribe to Fizz for your home internet or cell phone then use my referral code WT31T and we will each have a referral bonus of $ 50, instead of the usual $ 25. You just need to activate your Fizz services with my reference code WT31T before January 06, 2021. In addition, I remain at your disposal if you have any problems or questions with Fizz :)

    Here is a direct link allowing you to proceed with your subscription without worries, my reference code will already be entered:

    May this holiday season and the coming year be marked by peace, happiness, health and prosperity.

    Happy Holidays And Happy New Year!
  • Masooma
    Masooma Posts: 5 ✭✭
    $50 Credit to both of us if you use my referral code: 2ZVPZ
    Happy Holidays! :)
  • cristi
    cristi Posts: 223 ✭✭
    My code is : PZA45
    Merry Christmas and thank you Fizz !!!
    PS. Happy new customer !
  • Clémentine D.
    Clémentine D. Posts: 137 ✭✭
    For 50$ discount, here idi my code : FEOVJ
    Merry Christmas and thank you Fizz !
  • Here is my referal code 5TRPC
    It will get us both a 50$ bonus after your second payment if you activate your new account before January 6th 2021.
    THANK YOU and Happy Holidays!
    THORGAL CODE WT31T Posts: 7,262 ✭✭
    Fizz SIM cards are now available at Couche-Tard!

    You and I will receive $ 50 if you use my referral code to subscribe to Fizz for Home Internet or a cellular plan! How to do this? Make your 2nd monthly payment then you will receive $ 50 in your Fizz account, so your 3rd month may cost you little or nothing. Use this direct link which will take you to the subscription process, you can use it as long as you want or pass it on to your friends or family:

    We're going to make it even easier! Remember this: January 04 is the deadline for you to get your SIM card from Couche-Tard. It's also the deadline for you to get your $ 50 referral bonus if you subscribe to Fizz!

    Also remember this: to get your free SIM card, you need the Couche-Tard application on your phone, then you have 10 minutes to validate the coupon in the Promotion section of the application.

    I'm counting on you so that you can take advantage of these two great promotions thanks to Couche-Tard and my referral code! :-)))
  • Fizzy
    Fizzy Posts: 12,240 ✭✭
    Here's my code: 66KGA

    Welcome to Fizz!
  • Ian L. #37796
    Ian L. #37796 Posts: 1 ✭✭
    Hello future Fizzers!
    Here's my referral code: DIUZQ
    I also have some extra data so if you use my referral code, I'll send you even more data! :)
    To know more about how to use the referral code:
  • Masooma
    Masooma Posts: 5 ✭✭
    $50 Credit to both of us if you use my referral code: 2ZVPZ
    Happy Holidays! and welcome to Fizz! :)
  • Colibri
    Colibri Posts: 150 ✭✭
    Hello !

    Switching to Fizz is really great, there are great savings to be made !!!

    I'll share my promo code with you for more savings!

    Activate a mobile or home internet plan with my referral code before January 6, 2021, and we'll each receive a $ 50 bonus instead of the usual $ 25.

    So here is my promo code for a $ 50 discount when activating your account, enter this code: 7XAPH

    At Fizz, there is no contract, unused data is transferred to the next month, surprises. It's up to you to find out.

    To know more?

    Don't forget my code: 7XAPH
    Thanks for using my code!
    THORGAL CODE WT31T Posts: 7,262 ✭✭
    Fizz SIM cards are now available for free at Couche-Tard!

    You and I will receive a $ 50 referral bonus if you use my code WT31T to subscribe to Fizz! As soon as your 2nd invoice is paid, go to your Fizz account and you will see the notification of your referral there. Use this direct link which will take you to the subscription process

    The deadline is January 04 to get a SIM card and the Fizz referral bonus! Here's how to get your SIM card: install the Couche-Tard application on your phone and then have the coupon validated by the cashier. The coupon can be found in the Promotion section of the app.