Will we lose intro price after the stabilization period? YES, as confirmed by a fizz representative!

Tatiana W.
Tatiana W. Posts: 23 ✭✭
A Fizz representative just chatted with me and it is confirmed that we are going to LOSE THE INTRO PRICE after the stabilization period comes to an end!!!
Any recommendation for an affordable, reliable phone company that lives up to their promises?????
got to get ready for my departure from fizz!


  • Francesco L.
    Francesco L. Posts: 21 ✭✭

    I too spoke with a representative and he couldn't say either way. Really sucks!

    Hello Francesco. Marius Daniel 20:06


    hi Francesco De Luca 20:06


    How may I help you? Marius Daniel 20:06


    I'm a little concerned with the new wording regarding the intro pricing that has been changed. Francesco De Luca 20:07 The ultimate question is after the 3 monthes of extra 10% off, will I be keeping the price I'm paying now or not? Francesco De Luca 20:08


    For the moment we don't have this information. Marius Daniel 20:08


    Just so you know, a lot of people in the community hub are upset about this. Francesco De Luca 20:09


    Rest assured,Francesco. Fizz will take care to find a viable solution. Marius Daniel 20:11


    Anything else I may help you? Marius Daniel 20:11


    Any idea when you will have the information? Francesco De Luca 20:12


    Because as I understood it as it's written now, I will not be keeping my intro pricing regardless of whether i keep my plan. Francesco De Luca 20:13


    I don't have an official information for the moment.Marius Daniel 20:14

  • Francesco L.
    Francesco L. Posts: 21 ✭✭
    I too chatted with a representaive and he couldn't give me an answer as to whether I would keep my intro pricing once the extra 10% off was done. When you read it, it means we'll lose our intro pricing. Plain and simple. I have to say this really sucks!
  • Francesco L.
    Francesco L. Posts: 21 ✭✭

    I feel really stupid now having switched myself and a total of 5 other people. For me, what sold me was the USA plan. I already had a great price with Koodo for 34$ for 2G data, unlimited text and picture messaging, unlimited calls, voicemail, Canada wide. 


    I was getting USA for the same price of 34$ with Fizz. According to what the regular price will be, 46$ (instead of 34$), it doesn't make sense for me anymore.


    Even without USA, and having canada-wide, the plan will be 38$ which will be 4$ more than what I was paying and picture messages didn't use my data.


    I am really upset about all this. Will need to reconsider everything now. What a waste of my time!


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