Is there a way to find out?
Thank you so much for your help. Much appreciated.
Thanks for sharing DG1NA
Thanks for sharing DG1NA
Thanks for sharing DG1NA
Thanks for sharing DG1NA
Thanks for sharing. DG1NA
Thanks for sharing. DG1NA
You can get points as well in order to level up when you share your data.
It might be simplier for you to manage all 3 numbers in 1 account but it might not be the case for Fizz. They way all this perks are set up will need to be done by IT and it always cost more many to re-program a companies system. If it will cost them more many to do this it is better for the customer to manage their…
If you have some left to share, appreciate it. Thanks for sharing. DG1NA
Appreciate the boost. Thanks for sharing. DG1NA
That's amazing. Would love to get some if you any spare. Thanks. DG1NA
@Jess_i88b6 what do you mean opened on Nov 1st. Does it have to be a new plan or existing plan?
Stay strong. I can relate as had the same experience with my father in-law. We stayed with him for 2 weeks in palliative care. My thoughts and prayers are with you. 🙏🙏🙏
Thanks for sharing. DG1NA
Try facebook, you have a better chance of reaching out to more people
Thanks for sharing. DG1NA.
Very cool indeed. Are you still looking?
DG1NA. Thanks
@Andrei_ref_R7VK1 Thank you so much, greatly appreciated
Sorry, need data myself. Try fb dat gifting. Goid Luck.
@Jess_i88b6 i do play on the Playstation and i have the nintendo as well
@Jess_i88b6 5G would be good as I use my phone for tethering on some days when I am on the road
What's the difference between 5G and VoWifi?