Have you tried restarting your device and reseating the SIM card? Put it into airplane mode for 1-2 minutes then turn back on your cellular. You might need to activate 'roaming' within your device settings. Have you chatted with them via FB Messenger or their website chat?
Yes I’m also experiencing this issue in the same area
I don’t think it’s necessary to explain why this has no place here, on the fizz support page...
La boîte vocale est 1.00$, sinon il y as des frais municipaux 911. Tu peux voir ta facture détaillée en te dirigeant vers Mes Forfaits>Gérer mon forfait>Entente de services
Many others are having a similar issue unfortunately.
Yes but it's only giving me about 50% of my regular LTE download speeds(before the whole issue began)
Hi, Fizz is compatible with iPhone 5s, you must update your iOS to the latest version and update your carrier settings. The information you got previously is wrong, Fizz does have data on iOs as it's related to the device itself.
Hi, You can ONLY donate in blocks of 250 MB. These can only be donated to people with an active monthly data subscription.
I only still have access to 3G (Montreal area). On LTE I get around 100-120mbps, on 3G I get around 15-20mbps... Quite the downgrade, and very odd that I'm paying close to 40$ a month for 3G service in 2018...
People will see the caller's phone number. If they add that number as a contact to their phone, they will see the name associated to the contact.
Go to : My Profile > Contact Forms > Submit A Complaint https://zone.fizz.ca/dce/customer-ui-prod/#/account/contact-us
Salut, fizz est une division de Quebecor. Il n’y as aucun lien direct avec Vidéotron comme la majorité semblent croire. Vidéotron et fizz: deux choses séparées.
Hi, if you didn't enter the code when making your account it's too late unfortunately. You will need to make a new account to use a referral code and use it when creating the account. https://fizz.ca/en/faq/i-just-subscribed-to-fizz-but-forgot-to-enter-my-friends-referral-code
Hi, you would need to follow the steps below ... Since there's no way to block an entire 'region' you would need to create a contact with the area codes you wish to block. https://help.blackberry.com/en/priv/current/help/thc1426617257532.html
Hi, this will depend on your device. Which cell phone (version, model) do you use?
Salut, vous êtes entièrement libres de quitter, sauf qu'en quittant vous aller perdre votre prix introductoire préférentiel (qui reste pareil pour 2 ans si vous ne modifiez pas l'abonnement)
Salut, En 3G j'obtiens environ 10-15 MBPS, en LTE j'obtiens environ 80-120 MBPS, alors il y as une énorme différence. La consommation en tant que tel sera identique (que ca soit sur 3G ou LTE).
Salut, tu peux vérifier le lien ci-dessous pour le statut actuel du réseau Fizz. https://fizz.ca/fr/faq/statut-reseau
J’ai présentement le même problème. Plusieurs pages du site web ne téléchargent pas pour moi.
Je suis présentement sur 3G. J’ai environ 20mbps de download au lieu de 100...
Ca semble être une division très éloignée, mais oui ca fais partie de Quebecor
Salut, tu vas recevoir ton 25$ de bonus lorsque ton "ami" qui as utilisé ton code de référence paies au MINIMUM 2 factures mensuelles. Une fois la deuxième facture payée, tu recevras 25$.
The person receiving the gifted data must have a data plan, otherwise they can not receive any data. This can be gifted in blocks of 250mb.dans Can you gift data to someone who has no data in their plan? Commentaire de Sean H. décembre 2018
There is currently a service outage for many residents in the Montreal/Quebec area. I'm not currently affected by it, but many others in my area are (weird how it is very selective, and not region-based).There is unfortunately nothing left to be done other than wait, they are already aware and are working on it. I do find…
Salut, Tu peux visiter leur page officielle Facebook et Twitter.dans Comment pouvons nous avoir des informations lors des pannes Fizz? Commentaire de Sean H. décembre 2018