you can also try fast.com
also there is a hole discussion categorie to post your Ref code for people to share data…
Some love? :)
Sadly, you can't gift them. it would of been great. The only way you can use them on another phone line, is for someone to give you control of their plan (like a child) and then you can use it on that plan, since it would show up in your account
Thank you! that should be enough for the couple of days
Welcome to Fizz! One of the best community for Mobile and Internet!
You can only pay monthly... sorry
Congrats Mike! You've been great help to the comunity!
Keep participating in the community!
Sadly, no... only credit cards are accepted or a Visa Debit card.
No it is not possible sadly. as Mike said, you can reduce your plan to save it...dans Can I pause my service & resume when I return from travels? Commentaire de Marie C. 41995 mai 2020
Make sure the email is not already in use
Mike's answer is correct. You can purchase multiple sim cards and have multiple lines on 1 account for your family
Vous pouvez toujour contacter fizz par chat!
Thank you fizz!
Sur la page web du router/modem ( Suivez les instructions de Mike au besoin
Make sure you do not have an AdBlocker installed as it might hide some parts of the webpage
It seems for now you can only add permissions to a mobile plan and not an internet plan. Your situation is very interesting. Maybe Fizz could add this feature. Try contacting fizz.
redémarrer le modem, sinon contactez fizz
Cool bravo!
Thank you, but i don't need some!
That gift was great, we all wanted it... but they don't offer it anymore...dans How Do i recieve Or activate the free voice mailbox reward ? Commentaire de Marie C. 41995 février 2020
redemarrer le telephone ou se mettre en mode avion et desactivé le mode avion peut aider
not whit perks sadly
As Mike said, contact Fizz. They can help and answer very quickly