C'est bizarre que vous ayez attendu si longtemps pour reagir.
You've been hacked ... by Fizz.
Yes it's time to chat with Fizz customer service.
Je ne crois pas que vous pouvez recevoir les donnees.
Fizz internet price is ordinary
Tant mieux pour vous. . En meme temps je ne vois rien de mal des autres usagers qui ont ete mal servis et qui ont rapporte les faits tel quel. . If faut just rapporter quand on bien servi et on doit se taire quand on est mal servi ?
I just saw a ticket in French forum (https://communaute.fizz.ca/questions/1911871-appel-international) complaining about international calls (5$/ month), I'm wondering if your problem has been resolved or not
Moi je supporte Maxime ! Si c'etait votre compte qui a ete suspendu pour aucune raison valable ?
It's on invidation only
1) Pre-paye veut dire payer avant 2) S'il fallait toujours suivre les models existants on serait encore dans un cave, c'est comme ca que les hommes prehistoriques vivaient. 3) Ebox et Carrytel charge environ 14 jours avant le debut du cycle et c'est du pre-paye.
With the current billing system no one should use Fizz service for work related regardless if it's in beta or not.
And some more in the pasts https://community.fizz.ca/questions/1897729-account-lock-instantly-call-data-sms-manuel-payment-monthly-payment-failed https://community.fizz.ca/questions/1901467-option-manual-payment https://community.fizz.ca/questions/1860462-manually-payment-failiure…
Here are several other case only for today https://community.fizz.ca/questions/1903223-credit-card-payment-order-release-funds-allow-fizz-payment https://community.fizz.ca/questions/1903200-hello-can-pay-plan-changed-credit-cards-system-won-t-let-pay https://community.fizz.ca/questions/1903145-advance-payment
By browsing the forum you'll see that there is many issues with Fizz billing system at the moment. The main issue is the payment is applied at the first day of billing cycle and if something went wrong (either your fault or Fizz fault ) your service is immediately suspended. This is a major issue for all Fizz subscribers…
This is a Must not a wish. It makes no sense that user service is cut off like this. Remember this is a Recurrent prepaid not a one shot prepaid.
Par hasard j'ai trouve ce "thread" en englais mais ca fait reflechir https://communaute.fizz.ca/questions/1834354-i-do-not-recommend-fizz-to-anyone-why
It's horribly sad. People may forgive if they miss an sms here and there, but it' very hard to forgive when their service is suspended and specially when it's 100% Fizz mistake.
Essayez https://fizz.ca/fr/nous-contacter
Essayez https://fizz.ca/fr/nous-contacter
Essayez https://fizz.ca/en/contact-us
Essayez ca https://fizz.ca/fr/nous-contacter
You should try step 3 https://fizz.ca/en/faq/resolving-issues-step-3 If your issue has still not been resolved to your satisfaction Commission for Complaints for Telecom-television Services (CCTS) CCTS is an independent agency whose mandate is to resolve complaints of consumers about their telecom and TV services, and…
And here is another case https://communaute.fizz.ca/questions/1897618-fonds-carte-visa-debit-paiement-compte-reseaudans My account is blocked in the middle of a payment period, what can I do? Commentaire de Jonau février 2019