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I didn't receive ma sim card again is it normal?

I didn't receive my sim card the first time I ordered it. So I contacted the support system and they asked me to order again and contact them as soon as I get the new one for a refund. So I ordered the new SIM card, and still did not get it. What should I do?

Meilleure réponse

  • Mike
    Mike Messages 21,798 ✭✭
    Réponse ✓

    Probably the card was stolen, you must contact again the support.

    I will suggest sending it to a family member living in a house, at last I did that to avoid this situation and the card was left on the door.


    If you need a referral code this is mine K61CD, with this code you will receive 25$ to be applied to your 3rd payment.

    It is important to add the referral code must be used during the creation of your plan when the taxes are shown


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