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I can I get a refund for the payment since I couldnt transfer my phone number

Julie-Maude Messages 1 ✭✭
I was setting everything to activate my SIM card but since I canceled my previous plan I couldnt trasnfer my phone number. So I reactivated it to change next month but I still gor charged for 2 months with you and I’d like to get a refund

Meilleure réponse

  • Whizz
    Whizz Messages 23,807 admin
    Réponse ✓
    Hello, Julie!
    Thank you for having contacted us and please accept my sincere excuses for the situation.
    Be informed that the transfer has been cancelled and that you have also been refunded today for the monthly payment you did.
    You can already see the transaction by accessing the sections of your account: My plans - Transaction history and it will also be available in your bank account in the next few bussiness days.
    For further information on this subject, don't hesitate to contact us again.
    Have a wonderful afternoon!


  • Fizzy
    Fizzy Messages 12,005 ✭✭

    There exists a trial period for which if you cancel within 15 days, you can be refunded.

    For your specific case, you will have to contact Fizz support.


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  • Jonathan C. 23196
    Jonathan C. 23196 Messages 316 ✭✭
    In fact, for that specific question, you should contact fizz directly because we, ase a use community, cant do anything.
  • Hugo G. #4782
    Hugo G. #4782 Messages 50 ✭✭
    Le service à la clientèle sera plus en mesure de vous aider que le forum de discussion, qui ne compte que des usagers de Fizz et rarement des employés.
  • Gates
    Gates Messages 835 ✭✭

    In order to help the Fizz community evolve with your question, do not forget to identify the best answer given to you by members of this discussion group using the Make Best Answer button.

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