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MMS problem (SMS images/pictures) SOLVED ?

Charles H. #3796
Charles H. #3796 Messages 32 ✭✭

If you have problem sending MMS, check if you have a “bearer” setting in your APN config on your phone.

Try to Set bearer = LTE


If MMS work after that, I suggest you split your APN config in 2:

1. Login to

2. Go to: Overview \ Manage \ Advanced Parameters \ Fizz network parameters

3. Click “resend me the notifications”

4. You will receive 2 SMS configuration messages: click install on both

5. Then, on your phone, go to APN settings for FIZZ MMS (on my phone: settings \ More networks \ Mobile networks \ Access Point Names \ FIZZ MMS)

6. Set Bearer = LTE


Note: I think it’s just a temporary FIX as MMS will only work if you have LTE (I think so, not sure)

Meilleure réponse


  • Serge O. #3665
    Serge O. #3665 Messages 537 ✭✭
    Tanks for the info. Very useful. ?
  • ArthurV
    ArthurV Messages 7 ✭✭
    This post should be sticked to the main page!
  • SLY
    SLY Messages 258 ✭✭
    Since I don't receive the configuration messages neither from Fizz or when I do it from my account, would you mind sharing screenshot of this dual config?
  • SLY
    SLY Messages 258 ✭✭
    Thanks a lot!
  • SergeLa
    SergeLa Messages 13 ✭✭
    For me the only thing that worked was when I changed APN type to "default,supl,mms"
    That small change allowed me to send MMS. The system will not send me the 2 SMS configuration messages.
  • Charles H. #3796
    Charles H. #3796 Messages 32 ✭✭

    @ SergeLa: I already tried to set APN type to "default,supl,mms" but it didn't work for me.


    Probably that Fizz have tons of SIMS card pre-configured with videotron APN and they decided: « instead of ordering new SIMS card with good APN, let’s send them to our client's and ask them to manually configure their APN. »  Bad business decision. It seems there is no single configuration that fit all phone model. 

  • SLY
    SLY Messages 258 ✭✭
    Charles you are a genius! After 2 mounts of trials and errors on my own and some "Fizz support" I finally have MMS working using your 2 files configuration. Thanks a lot!
    And me too the "default,supl,mms" did not work.
  • SergeLa
    SergeLa Messages 13 ✭✭
    Wow, I am glad it is working for you. I find it very weird that it takes so many different types of APN. Good find from Charles Hebert!
  • SLY
    SLY Messages 258 ✭✭
    Agreed, it makes no sense. On top of that I had to set the 2 files config to make it work.
  • Powerpoppe
    Powerpoppe Messages 4 ✭✭
    My mms don't work and I don't have bearer settings on my cell...
    I have LG5..
    Do you have a other option?
  • Michaël Turmel
    Michaël Turmel Messages 3 ✭✭
    WOW! thanks a lot! it's worked I can send picture again
  • Sebastien H. #423
    Sebastien H. #423 Messages 5 ✭✭
    Wow enfin ça fonctionne, merci!
  • Sebastien
    Sebastien Messages 2,127 ✭✭
    Doesn't seems to fix the datestamp issue that I still have, but seems to be very helpful for many of you! Thanks
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