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unable to activate and finish porting from Virgin mobile

I tried to activate my sim on Friday and received an email from Fizz saying they have an issue porting my number. chat with an agent in the chat bubble and he said it may take another 24 hours.
Now, the fizz sim can not be reached by my phone number, which means porting is not finished yet and virgin says they dont see any porting request.
SO, i am paying virgin and FIZZ at same time the second day. And i dont see that chat bubble anymore. What is this?
Please help.

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  • Alexandre V. #327
    Alexandre V. #327 Messages 22 ✭✭
    Ok, I had the exact same problem today. I have talk whit a Virgin rep. and she told me that the port request have to be done with your account number if you didn't buy the phone from Virgin. I was able to talk to a Fizz whit the Chat today and they tried that. It didn't work either. Virgin told me it was because Fizz was sending port request while the previous one was still in the system. They told me to ask Fizz to cancel the previous request and after that, retried the request but whith the account number this time. Back to Fizz, they told me that the only way to cancel the porting request is to cancel my services with them and create a new service with a new simcard. They also told me that if I want to make the request with my account number I have to choose Bell as my service provider, if not the system will ask me for my pin and imei.
    So now i'm waiting for a new simcard, and I wil retrie as soon as I receive it.
    Sorry if my answer is not clear, english is not my native langage
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