@StefanM I can again.. i guess lol when technician was here, he didn't find anyting. And if cable has an issue, I shouldn't have this problem not just limited to just those date...
@StefanM yes I’m using it as bridge mode. If you check my first thread, technician came over and replaced my modem too.. :/ I am using 120 plan, but it’s not like I’m using more internet toward the weekend. There’s only two person living in my house, and connected devices are always same..
Yes, and it’s also new construction.. only 5 years old. My neighbour is using videotron and has no issue, and I didn’t had issues like this when I used to use videotron until I switched to fizz few month ago..
@vgStef Technician will make a visit tomorrow morning. I'll update here if technician finds anything. I think it's the issue with Fizz router. I'm living in a newly constructed house (less than 5 years), and I haven't had issue like this with Videotron. Since Fizz uses videotron line, I only had to change the router. My…
@Whizz i've tried to contact you by facebook message, but it seems chat bot ignores my message. I did responded, but agent said i didn't responded thus left....