From what I read off the web, it looks' like in order to get SIM swapping done the hacker must go through call center support in order ma usually get it transferred. Being the case, Fizz must be quite safe as they don't have phone support. From what we saw on Tv (J.E. show), another provider were the one being hacked back…
Wow this is getting complicated if someone wants to prevent SIM swapping scam., Thanks @THORGAL CODE WT31T
les chances que si quelqu’un demande une question dans le forum, c’est qu’il sont déjà abonner, donc les code de référence c’est inutile à ce point.
thank you so much.
thanks everyone.
@G225 merci.
Est-ce après avoir recue du data et j'en trop, je peut les redonner ou ca donne mes donne de base de mon forfait?
oui, j’ai ce plan. merci.
So far so good, very service in the Outaouais region.