Shao3m, sent some your way. Enjoy!
Enjoy Melanie, still have 2gb to give out to anyone else
Fizz’s data usage meter matches pretty closely to my phone’s internal data usage counter
$25 is the intro price, they're currently offering, for 2g + Can/US. Could you be thinking of beta pricing? beta prices were extended for 2mo but only for those who already had them.
So has anyone successfully added the voicemail upgrade, without having to cancel the monthly voicemail and received the $1/mo credit? in my opinion, it's not worth saving $24 over the 2years for voicemail, if I have to modify my plan in 2 years I'll loose $5/mo of savings (if prices are the same as today)
can you share the details of your configuration, did both your plans have a monthly data plan? and were able to gift data from plan to another, or did you have 1 with data and gifted data to the secondary plan that didn't have data?
So if we have to disable voicemail and then apply the upgrade, when the 2 years are over, we will end up loosing the intro pricing "for everything" because we'll be changing our plain to add voicemail back in?
Drove to the east part of Montreal and my data connection went from LTE to 3G, and data wasn’t working anymore. Running iOS 12.1 on iPhone 6s, after a hard reboot (power * home button) it jumped back to LTE and data started working again
Can you try clearing your cache and retry a password reset. If that doesn’t work you’ll have to contact them unfortunately you need to be logged in to contact them via chat bubble or contact form so you’re only option would be through FB messenger
Read another thread about the same issue, customer service told them to wait 1-2 days. I would contact them directly through chat bubble on help pages, fb messenger or contact form in your profile
You can try clearing your cache, and login again, you should see an overview when you first login. Then you can click on plans > manage to see more options
yeah glitch, it looks like it's counting your monthly only and not the gifted, unless it only counts the gifted data on the next billing cycle.
I believe it takes it from your account profile, it would be nice of them to allow a screen name and keep the account name as is.
I'm curious as well. What purpose/advantage is there to link social media accounts to Fizz, especially Amazon which is not really a social media platform.
@Dale, thanks for sharing your detailed troubleshooting.
Thank you, Wish the Fizz Team and everyone in the community a Happy Holiday
saw this as a solution in another post: Did you try to verify if your "Call fowarding" setting on your cell phone, the options (forward when busy / unanswered / unreacheble) are set to +15146470999
I got 3 separate invoices, SIM card, monthly plan, and add-on, they also have download all history, which put all 3 invoices in 1 PDF , but didn’t add the total
it automatically downloads as a .pdf
if you purchase add-ons or add funds to your wallet it will generate separate invoices, you'll have to download them individually.
just added a contact, it gave me 50pts and the Amigo badge.
Thanks for the tips. To reveal code, on desktop browser, in the sidebar there's "invite friends" and then in the main window "Reveal referral code"
I Feel your frustration. Officially they only support iPhone 5s or later, because it requires iOS 12, and the 5s is the oldest model that could run it. If you connect your phone to a computer running iTunes, you don’t need the extra free space for the upgrade.
Did forwarding to voicemail number work?
You can see if voicemail is active on your plan if you go to your account > plans > manage > make change to current plan... will show you your current plan and you’ll be able to see if voicemail is set to on Also I found a thread similar to your issue They…