Je conseillerais d’utiliser messenger ou imessage le support repond plus vite
Yeah, they do look at the forums sometimes but it’s easier to call the support
The community can’t do anything about this, you should try to reach the fizz support. For me, the fastest response was iMessage but if you’re on android you can use messenger
go on the fizz website and click on my account. There you can see data you consumed. Now click on see usage and if you see your add-on is gray, it means it has been used
Let’s go vive
You can text fizz support on mesenger or iMessage. Also try to use a different device
C’est parce que certaines personnes n’ont pas encore la carte sim volte. Fizz va en envoyer a tout le monde gratuitement
if we have the volte sim card, can we already male volte calls or do we need to wait?
J’ai oublié le code de référence ! PLUNF
Merci je ne savais pas ! Voici mon code de référence: PLUNF
my code is PLUNF
hey, here’s my referal code PLUNF
you can text them on messenger or imessage. you can also just cancel your subscription and buy it back