Très beau geste! Merci! Voici un Kudo! :)
Fizz have some trouble with the payment. Please don't contact them about it. They are working on it. If the problem is still there after couples of days, contact them! Good luck and have a nice day! :)
Fizz have some trouble with the payment. Please don't contact them about it. They are working on it. If the problem is still there after couples of days, contact them! Good luck and have a nice day! :)
You can download YouMail and save 2$ per month :) Good luck
Fizz have some trouble with the payment. Please don't contact them about it. They are working on it. If the problem is still there after couples of days, contact them! Good luck and have a nice day! :)
Fizz have some trouble with the payment. Please don't contact them about it. They are working on it. If the problem is still there after couples of days, contact them! Good luck and have a nice day! :)
Fizz have some trouble with the payment. Please don't contact them about it. They are working on it. If the problem is still there after couples of days, contact them! Good luck and have a nice day! :)
Fizz have some trouble with the payment. Please don't contact them about it. They are working on it. If the problem is still there after couples of days, contact them! Good luck and have a nice day! :)
Fizz have some trouble with the payment. Please don't contact them about it. They are working on it. If the problem is still there after couples of days, contact them! Good luck and have a nice day! :)
Fizz have some trouble with the payment. Please don't contact them about it. They are working on it. If the problem is still there after couples of days, contact them! Good luck and have a nice day! :)
Merci à vous aussi! Bonne journée! :)
Raison personnelle, investissement du temps ailleurs je crois! Bonne continuité à eux :)
Ça m'a pris 2 jours recevoir mes 2 cartes! :)
Très gentils! Beau geste :)
Un grand merci à vous! Nouvelle sur le forum aussi, mais je compte être bien active et aider un maximum ici! Bonne chance dans vos plans futurs! :)
Oui, avoir été actif durant le mois! Bravo! :)
There is the english community, Rien ne change le très beau geste! Un Kudo pour vous! :)
Plusieurs problèmes de paiement venant de chez Fizz. Ne contacter pas le support pour cela. Attendez quelques jours et tout devrait revenir dans l'ordre. Si le problème persiste. Contacter-les! Bonne journée!
Plusieurs problèmes de paiement venant de chez Fizz. Ne contacter pas le support pour cela. Attendez quelques jours et tout devrait revenir dans l'ordre. Si le problème persiste. Contacter-les! Bonne journée!
Plusieurs problèmes de paiement venant de chez Fizz. Ne contacter pas le support pour cela. Attendez quelques jours et tout devrait revenir dans l'ordre. Si le problème persiste. Contacter-les! Bonne journée!
Merci très beau geste!! :)
Plusieurs problèmes de paiement venant de chez Fizz. Ne contacter pas le support pour cela. Attendez quelques jours et tout devrait revenir dans l'ordre. Si le problème persiste. Contacter-les! Bonne journée!
Plusieurs problèmes de paiement venant de chez Fizz. Ne contacter pas le support pour cela. Attendez quelques jours et tout devrait revenir dans l'ordre. Si le problème persiste. Contacter-les! Bonne journée!
Theres a lot of people having payment issues. Plz, don't ask for help at support, its a Known bug. Report it if there's still a problem in a couple day! Have a great day! :)
Theres a lot of people having payment issues. Plz, don't ask for help at support, its a Known bug. Report it if there's still a problem in a couple day! Have a great day! :)