It says you don't have a mobile plan so cannot send you data You need to have a mobile plan active with a least 1 GB in the plan to be able to receive data
here is my code! 4MLFQ
Visual Voicemail will use whatever data type your on If your on wifi it will use wifi if not it will use data
How long before its fully deployed? iPhone 8 with IOS 15.0.2 here rebooted 3 times and still have regular voicemail
I don't want fizz to install the modem at my sister in law place tho I guess I can try contacting fizz and changing the address
Her daughter is already with Videotron and we don’t wanna « fuck » that
Visual voicemail is not at fizz yet so it shouldn't work on any iPhone under Fizz
Impossible et c'est pas une limitation fizz
Guys stop saying APN APN APN IPHONE DOES NOT HAVE APN I would just contact fizz if i were you
Tu n’aura rien les règles dur CRTC sont claire tu dois manquer de services 48h consécutive pour avoir un dédommagement Tu es pa content vas t’en, on a pas besoin de pleurnichar Les problèmes arrivés, c’est plate mais c’est la vie
Je suis a Laval et sa fonctionne #1
No maximum 3 months straight Buy a USA SIM instead
reboot your phone
Never Since Videotron is the 'master' of the network, it will never let a 'reseller' support it if the main network doesn't support it
it's not a fizz issue its a BMO issue
Nope Buy a US sim instead
Supprime tes cartes de crédits tu peux en avoir 3 maximum sur ton dossier
Électronique tu l'a deja
Tu dois appeler le fournisseur qui ta vendu ton Cellulaire originalement pour avoir le code de déveirroullage gratuit
Essaie la et tu verra
If you make some research on the fizz website it will show you for traveling that Voice is not supported for Europe you'll have t obuy a sim
I doubt it will come unless Videotron allows it
Nothing in Quebec
Contact fizz, sadly we cannot help you
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