Just keep paying your bill. Most other things aren't worth your time since they nerfed all the ways to get points
how do you know if you have a 3g sim card?
Upgrades should also not expire after 2 years. Especially since getting new ones is extremely hard after they made it much more difficult to get points in the forum
Yes you can
You just need to wait
my dreams of ever reaching level 5 are gone now
Thank you!
Merci Beaucoups!
so generous!
very late x-mas gifts :)
Netflix counts as recurring payment for tangerine and there is no contract and you can cancel whenever you want as well. I just want to hear from someone who actually has tangerine who can confirm the reward category for Fizz with a recent transaction. Sometimes the merchant category can change.
Fizz est vraiment picky avec les cartes.
ca n'existe pas avec fizz
should be possible
you'll have to speak with fizz support
it's most likely your phone. you'll have to deal with it until you get a new one.
no family plans sadly
pour etre sur je contacterait votre ancien fournisseur vous meme
yes you can. you should be able to do it yourself through your account
yes you can. you should be able to do it yourself through your account
maybe the sim is defective? or perhaps it just isn't inserted correclty.
perhaps your app is not measuring everything correctly.
Welcome to the family
basically the same company. Fizz is like Fido. Fido is not rogers but basically is rogers.