Kombi c'est Kombi-en confortable en plus!
Bien joué!
Hero again!
Ça gruge le marché traditionnel! Beau Jalon!
Bonjour Sylvain, N'hésitez pas à contacter un serrurier ! Bonne chance!
You have a long way to go man ;)!
I was referring to myself indeed! I didn't know I could get automatically a 3rd slot if Mobile and Internet plans are combined!
Right and thanks for the FAQ!
Oui, en fait je me questionnais à savoir à quel moment il existait de bon rabais internet fizz et je note que c'est notamment pendant les déménagements ou solde de noel! Merci pour la réponse!
Une chance que fizz fixe les règles, c'est leur entreprise hihi! Merci de l'astuce!
Âme charitable!
Hi @Lubby It is uncertain when will Fizz ever start to use the eSIM system... At the moment, it is unavailable as stated in their Q&A: I would refer you to Customer service or a Whizz might answer back!
Salut @swatt , es-tu entrain d'indiquer que si tu es déjà avec Fizz mobile et que tu souhaites utiliser l'internet fizz aussi, tu ne seras pas en mesure de récupérer la prime internet?
Salut Newkoala! Je t'invite à faire un tour du côté de la communauté en Anglais et aussi sur le groupe Facebook de Fizz et partage de données! Bon succès :)!
Salut tu peux aussi aller voir le groupe Facebook Fizz de partage de données! Bonne chance l'ami!
Best tricks: read the extreme geeks posts and comments in the community!
Beaucoup d'ondes positives ici!
In that case, I recommend you contact the customer service using the web. Good luck!
Log into your voicemail, listen to menu, select 3, then 1. If you voicemail just got activated, you’ll have to set it up. Once that is done, here is how how to use it Hope this helps :)!
La patience est une vertu qui se mange frizz
@RyHi No worries ! You're right on how to look for your badges. I understood that Fizz doesn't display how many occurences you are left to achieve the badge. Let's take the Hero badge, there's no information on how many more data gifts you need to give to get your 10x time Hero badge. One suggested to count them on your…
Cash is king!
Interesting Idea! Thanks!
You're right! I mean, it's another string to your bow!
You are right, only the future will tell us ;)!
Good thinking! Thanks!
Yeah that's what I'm wondering ! Will it take a lot of time... who knows?! Good job almost lvl 3 in 3 months!