Hello, On my phone, I go on the phone app, then settings, then blocking numbers, and then blocking unknown calls. I hope it helps. It blocks almost all the spam calls, but also the private calls.
Hello Vince, Can you specify where you see that it says so? I only see that it's unlimited data.
Hello, From what I understood, the contract lasts indefinitely until you opt out, as it's a BYOP kind of contract.
Bonjour Nina, Pour trouver ton forfait, lorsque tu te connectes, clique par la suite sur ''mes forfaits''. Rendu là, il y aura ton numéro de téléphone. Bonne journée !
Coucou! Pour mon forfait, Fizz était de loin le moins cher. Je dirais que pour la plupart des forfaits surtout dans ces temps de Covid (donc une utilisation seulement au Québec), Fizz est imbattable. Toutefois, pour vérifier, il y a de nombreux sites pour comparer les forfaits cellulaire. Bonne soirée
Hello Kurien, On my contract's plan with Fizz there is my address. I suppose it's as good as a mobile bill. Have a nice night! :)
Here is my referral code: 2VW3Wdans This is the place for your referral codes. Here, and only here ⇩ Commentaire de Light octobre 2020
Hello! First, you need to have an activated account. Then, go to overview, scroll down, and click on send an inviatation in the Friends with benefizz. Then, click on Reveal my referral code. I hope it helped :)