This was me in the past--really wish Fizz would change this policy!
Newsies, the 1996 live-action pro-union Disney musical starring a young Christian Bale!
That's how we got ours too!
The canal needs all the help it can get lol
Great initiative!
So frustrating! Good luck!
I find Fizz rewards are so often complicated in the details! Like with the îlots d'été, it took two weeks after for the data to arrive.
Haven't tried to use a Bixi/Fizz promo since a couple of years ago when I had like three different codes and none of them worked! Maybe will try again!
I've never used a partner perk... do other people use them?
Still like 25 points away from level 5, going for that last slot with a bunch of random comments on here!
oooooh thanks for the tip re openmedia!
Oops haha this is already in data gifting... another example of how I find the Fizz website super unintuitive!!! Sorry!
Try posting in Data Gifting! https://forum.fizz.ca/en/categories/data-gifting
Referral code just in case! DMAEO
And a mobile app would be great too. I never know whether stuff on the website isn't working or I'm doing it wrong because stuff is so janky.
Or, like, 15th improved tech support!
Also second improved tech support!
Clarify instructions around stuff like data gifting, using upgrades, and options to change plan before the new cycle begins! The information is technically available but it's really hard to find in a lot of cases and really non-intuitive.
Definitely posting to earn points 😅
I recommend the Canadaland episode about this! https://www.canadaland.com/podcast/monopoly-4-teleconned/
I love Heartbreakers! So wholesome.
OMG saaaaaameeeee!!!!!
Shoot, so disappointing that some of the badges are impossible to get without having a data plan!
Yeah, I figured out later that it was technically correct… it was just a bit misleading to post it in response to a comment about data gifting.
LOL here's another thing I just found out--you get points for commenting on your own post! I should have posted with each sentence in a separate comment for maximum points 😂