I'm only interested in seeing the channels I'm subscribed to. there used to be a bunch more than just these.
forgot to mention that I have the basic plan.
Just sent some. Enjoy.
unfortunately, reinstall didn't solve the issue.
umm, wrong discussion forum. this is TV.
any plan with the unlimited text option can send SMS texts to any country, provided you are sending it from within your coverage area. no add-on is required for that.
nope. you can send text messages to any country with any plan.
it's mostly CBC/Radio-Can channels and subchannels when watched directly, but sometimes the picture looks fine when cast from the phone to a Chromecast.
or an iPad for that matter. All young people I know have a phone and a tablet. Only a few do actually use a laptop/desktop.
get a Chromebook!
Thank you for your response. I will try clearing the data and cache, but we'll have to wait for the next couple of days to see if it happens again. No internet problems. VPN, DNS: pi-hole. I've been logged in consistently for months now in other apps like Netflix, YouTube, Tubi.
quite interesting: the filter worked fine from my home location. now tried while visiting family in quebec city and can only see 4 channels! fizz is their internet provider.
Not so bad on a 2020 Chromecast @1080p
Casting is working fine on Google Chromecast (2020); Tested working on Nest Hub Mini, although keeps buffering shortly every 20-30 seconds (watching on-demand show on from noovo). The last one is a TV built-in Chromecast that is too old to be supported I guess, so you can discard that one. Thanks!
>il n'y a pas ce problème de compression pour le contenu sur demande ! je pensais que le contenu sur demande n'était pas disponible d'après lors de la phase bêta. je vais l'essayer.
Bug report: I cannot cast to an external screen: TV with Chromecast built-in, Nest Hub mini. The app says it is connected, but the remote screen keeps spinning… The actual media is not playing.
Thank you for letting us start beta testing earlier. Is this the right place to log bugs?
Je voulais juste signaler que les liens vers Apple store et Google play pointent vers RiverTV et non directement vers l'app FizzTV, dans la page de confirmation de l'abonnement.
Ça y est cette fois-ci! Merci!!
Ça n'a pas réussi
J'ai vu dans ma liste de forfaits qu'on peut dorénavant ajouter un forfait TV. Est-ce que je peux le configurer dès aujourd'hui (sans attendre le 12 juin)?
Just sent 1 GB.
Je suis intéressé! Merci.
I am interested! I'd be glad to provide thorough feedback again.