Canada is so amazing for the 4 seasons. But as an avid gardener I love Spring! It is so amazing to see all the plants come to life!
Thanks everyone!
Cheers! Have a good day!
It’s a good way to limit your usage/work/general usage. But might be hard on your phone cause you need to use it so much. Not sure if it’s worth using up your battery life.
I ordered a sim and got it very fast.
if you are concerned about your email being shown, you can make it so that its to publicly shown. other wise i agree that there is nothing to show really.
80 gigs is ontario, but there is no limit to carry over, but remember carry over data only does so for the following month.
You cannot block a profile, but you can change settings so it’s private
You cannot block a profile, but you can change settings so it’s private
Wow, this is amazing! Thank you for putting all these amazing details they really help! I enjoy the vibe.
Welcome! I’m new as welll and so far so good! Prices are great and forum is fun
The website can be a bit glitchy at time would be great to have an app
Love this!
Very helpful