I am having a very similar issue - invite received, went to register, but service not available at my address; even though I am currently receiving VideoTron Cable from a third party (same infrastructure). It's a shame that whatever data/information they are using for their potential customers is outdated or incorrect.…
Please see my answer below regarding a complaint I filed: I was provided with an email from Fizz about enrolling in the beta less than one week before the last day to register for the beta (it's not a problem for me); I understand that there are limited invites. The issue is that when I went to add my address to see if the…
Unfortunately I've always had to resort to the phone call option instead of waiting to receive the text which never arrives. Glad it's been establish as an issue for many people; hope it's addressed soon.
Cool! Didn't know this could be done. Thanks Kent T.
I recommend checking the APN settings in your phone and following Fizz's instructions to ensure the network settings are configured properly. If this does not work; try connecting to the chat system in the Solutions Hub early in the morning (before traffic starts to increase) and you'll see a chat bubble on the Solutions…
Good to see some positive reviews about the internet! I am getting gorged by Bell and need a way out asap - this could be my only savior; haven't received the beta testing offer yet though :( I'll keep my fingers crossed.
LTE is back up, didn't verify speeds though
Yeah - there was an issue with too much traffic on the network last week, nothing was working. After Fizz got the service working again, only 4G appeared for data connection. Hopefully it'll be back to LTE soon.