Still waiting for 2FA for Capital One ... any news?
Fizz est un laboratoire pour Vidéotron, que cela soit aussi pour les méthodes de travail », confirme Fabien Variclier. On est tous des cobayes
Let's see how long before the service is back up.... They should still in BETA ... I made the mistake of moving 3 service to them to save some money :( I dont get how they can mess this so bad given that Videotron has a STABLE Network and all the expertise they can access !
What I dont understand is that given they are using Videotron's existing network ( and expertise)... how can they mess this up so bad?!
They need to extend the beta pricing and drop everyone who was on intro pricing for another 3 months. Hopefully they get their glitches fizzed up by then! Good thing their internet service does not depend on the same mobile infrastructure!! I can't imagine losing BOTH service :P.. oh wait this did happen to some coz their…
May be they have a glitch seeing that you tried to register yesterday... and they are probably limiting to one registration per account? Best to contact them... or try again ... you better hurry as intro prices for mobile is coming to an end soon... not sure if it will also coincide for internet pricing.
I havent had any downtime at all and speed from a wired has always been 60+ ... but from laptop wireless it varies between 50- 60Mbps which im guessing is normal... Very happy with the service so far
Didnt know that ... Thanks!
@greg, when you said "when i go to sign up" Did you go to the "Overview> ON the right where it says Mobiled or Home Internet Plans" and CLick on "Get Started" ? In there you should have 2 options on a new pop up when you click on the Get Started Button..."Mobile or Internet".... If its not available, so it must be a…
is there a compiled list of companies which is NOT working?
@Adriana, Ahhh didnt know we could have multiple plans under the same account and still benefit with referring each phone number within the account, are you sure... others seems to disagree?!
I thought the VM password was set on the first message and instantaneously?
ditto... as a test, select best answer and you will see the magic happen :P
Gina, si tu n'as pas de code de reference, utilise OGVOP au moment de la'achat /activation du SIM pour avoir $25 de credit a nos 2 comptes :) Sinon tous se fait en ligne et dois etre fait par toi meme. En passant le promo pour les prix de beta finissent bientot... J'ai une note qu'en Avril je vais etre facturé le prix…
@Stephance: Est ce que c'est un fait que les minutes utulisés par boite vocale comptent de la banque de minutes? As tu la source, je suis curieux .
J'imagine qu'un numero locale marche bien? Essaye avec un autre cellulaire sinon
J'ai lu que qq'un ici a pu le faire ( Telephone VOIP a Koodo) en passant par Koodo et ensuite transferer de Koodo a Fizz.
David, I think you need to keep requesting for updates and ETA for the Fix... I've had incoming calls problem and after seeing so many ongoing issues and the turn around time to get a fix for fundamental services, i was skeptical of getting mine fixed quickly... So I kept asking for updates each day via the chat and even…
Im sure they will eventually propose other pricing model with their own line up of phones...
I doubt this is possible... same for other utility bills the billing system isnt designed to have multiple source and target payment types...
Weird they have full LTE coverage there... curious to know what Fizz has to say?
May be try on another phone?
I dont think it is a coincidence as their eco system depends on the reward the system to be accurate .May be a glitch unless im missing the reward system completely on how we're supposed to be "rewarded" with points and down the road freebies when we've accumulated enough points! Thats why Im curious on how it works to…
Effectivement, c'est la realité vecu par plusieurs que j'ai lu sur ce forum et franchement ca fait peur que encore la est un cas qui pourrai arriver a n'importe qui... des services de base comme la facturation comme le talon d'achille que repose le service crucial comme le telephone et l'internet! C en effet inacceptable…
Pas de frais de transfert pour garder ton numero... Faut juste mettre ton no de compte telus au moment de lactivation du SIM