Lucky referral—> Q9HKC wait for it, sometimes there's Christmas or end of year event for 50$ referral bonus!
If you have some more :-) --> Q9HKC Thank you so much!
Quand j'ai installé ma carte SIM, ça marchait partiellement, juste envoyer sms, pas d'appel, pas envoyer. Mais après une journée, ça a commencé à marcher. Vérifiez le paramètre, réallume le phone puis si tout est correct, attendez un peu. J'espère que ça marchera bientôt!
Je pense que on ne peux pas avoir les mêmes numeros pour deux differents cartes sim, malheureusement.
If you had no problem for 6months, meanwhile everyone else's fizz work then how about rebooting your phone and check the setting again? also you can maybe test the sim card with friend's phone just to see if it's really your phone's problem.. Hope it work out for you!
It worked for me. just verify the billing adress and name well when you type in. Go "My profile-Payment mathodes" -add new card info -then set as a principal payment mathode. -then delete the other one you don't use.
SMS and MMS both work now.
Oh it works now cool! it waited 1 day and half.
I did tried all the proposed solution in this forum, I even format my phone but still doesn't work.