@Oury: I'm aware this is a community hub. Thought someone might have gotten a better support from them than I did. @h3ll: I hope they are not selling the data, but the privacy policy is unfortunately quite ambiguous. It's similar to other providers, but at least some of them have a FAQ with additional answers. I wish we…
How about adding a public bug tracker where people can add issues and maybe one for upcoming features? I know a cell company in another country that has that, really like those guys.
We have two plans in our household, and it was the same one affected by this this week as last week, the other one seems to be working fine. It really seems to be more of an issue with your authorization server than anything, as it appears not to be affecting all of the customers. And while your status page says it's…
According to what I understood, the credit is applied to your next invoice after the person who was referred has paid for their second month. So basically for you it should be applied in your next billing cycle after the person. I also believe that it doesn't go to your wallet, but is applied to your invoice instead.
Interestingly enough, another email I just received contained the correct unsubscribe link without a space.
And the new question notification I got when I posted this message was missing linebreaks :)
According to this thread, this might work when you enter your name in all CAPITAL letters.
Thank you for letting us know. I'm still in the beta, but I'm curious: How will refunds for issues like this work later on? Or does the contract feature an expected service level agreement? Thank you.
The referring account gets a $25 credit and so does the referred account. So I would think you have two options: * 1 account refers 5 other accounts. The referring account gets 5*$25 = $125 and the referred account get $25 each (another $125, so $250 in total). * 1 account refers 1 other account. That account refers…