Je suis dans le même bateau que toi. Je suis le plan bêta, j'ai déménagé et fait le changement d'adresse comme indiqué dans leur FAQ. On m'a quand même surchargé de presque le double. J'ai supposément un billet d'ouvert avec eux pour corriger la situation. Ça fait 2-3 semaines et toujours pas de nouvelles.
Same here. Reseted my phone and APN settings multiple times.
Il est clairement sur Android, à voir son screenshot. Et son APN semble bien configuré puisque la LTE fonctionne et qu'il obtient une page d'erreur. Je te conseille de les contacter sur Facebook et par le portail de ton compte. Tu as l'option d'envoyé un message au support, dans Profile, Formulaire de contact Bonne chance!
SIM network unlock PIN sounds more like a network lock on your phone, and not the SIM itself. This you can get from the original carrier for your phone.
Hello/Bonjour, First of all, check your Fizz notifications and emails. There might have been a problem during the porting process. If you tried porting with the account PIN, try with the IMEI instead. That's what worked for me. Make sure the information that you enter is correct. Porting problems can be due to: - Unpaid…
Ported from Virgin (Bell). At first, it did not accept my "passcode" and I received a notification about it. I redid the port using my IMEI and it took at most 10 minutes. It was extremely fast. I had to enter APN manually on my Samsung Galaxy S8+.
Ported from Virgin, everything works except Voicemail. I get the same message
I'm having the same problem. Everything works except Voicemail. I can access the Voicemail, but when people call me and I don't answer, it says that my number is not in service.