I didnt have a problem sylvieb, seems you're randomely replying to get points, I'm not sure. This maby is not the best way, since your reply is not related to my "question". Im ptetty sure everything is read by moderators. I hope you have a fantastic day!
Quelle excellente question! Il y a également un autre mystère qui subsiste : pourquoi les gens, qui payent nettement plus cher ailleurs, ne changent pas pour Fizz quand je leur en parle?
You guys are awsome! Congrat to both of you!
I will start over: I use the office 365 suite at work in wich there is software called Teams. In this software you can link apps such word excel, oneNote... Fizz appears in the list of apps you can add. Im wondering why?
Je pensais plutôt aunom d'usager Fizz. Si on pouvait ajouter un contact en entrant par exemple : Carole09
Chuck Norris pose une question, Fling répond...
MichelIP sage homme, suivez ses instructions et le monde s'ouvrira à vous.
Chuck Norris asks a question, Fling answers it!