Ok, so definite bug with Fizz network. Same thing happening in Ottawa region: https://www.reddit.com/r/FizzMobile/comments/1ffegeo/bad_voice_call_quality_and_dropped_calls/ @Whizz , any news on your side as to why this is happening? I counted at least ten (10) customers having these issues on Reddit.
I was on the move, but the dropped calls never happened in the same place.
My dropped calls were on Fizz towers since I am on South Shore of Montreal, anywhere between the 9 to 30 minute mark.
Sent you some as well.
Indeed. Cannot send data if no referral code.
Check this post: https://forum.fizz.ca/en/discussion/2653055/who-needs-some-data#latest
Check this post: https://forum.fizz.ca/en/discussion/2653055/who-needs-some-data#latest
Check this post: https://forum.fizz.ca/en/discussion/2653055/who-needs-some-data#latest
Check this post: https://forum.fizz.ca/en/discussion/2653055/who-needs-some-data#latest
Yes, I did. Two days ago.
Unfortunately, Videotron (and Fizz it seems) has had problems with their DNS servers in the past at more than one occasion. You can use other free DNS providers such as Cloudflare ( or Google (
Emails were sent out yesterday.
WiFi calling, definitely.
This one as well:
Check out this post:
i am also interested.
Bon, maintenant que cela a marché avec mon iPhone, j'ai ré-essayé avec mon iPad et cela fonctionne! Vraiment bizarre comme erreur mais c'est réglé.
Effectivement, cela marche bien sur mon téléphone (iPhone) mais pas mon iPad. Et non, pas de VPN.
J'ai changé pour DNS Cloudflare et Google et même erreur.
Voici une photo de l'erreur.
@Whizz qu'en pensez-vous? Une idée de solution?
I would also be interested. Been with with Fizz Mobile for 5+ years and Fizz Internet for 1 month (200 Mbps download speed).
I just left Transat Telecom, a Videotron reseller, to join Fizz Internet (was already a mobile customer). I would be paying same price had I not applied 6$ of rewards for 4 times download speed and 2 times upload speed. Have been running different speed tests over the past couple of days and consistenly getting 5-10% more…
So it’s better to have mobile and internet plans in same account and not two separate accounts?
Yes, you can - just buy a travel add-on. Did it several years ago and worked great. If your phone supports eSIM, you can also buy data from providers such as Airalo. You can use my referral code JOSEPH483 to get 3$ US credit. FYI: 1GB of data for 7 days is 9.50$ US.