That makes sense!!
Crazzyyyyyyyyy Train!
Isn't that already at Level 3? In any case, its all good!
It IS totally hard work, lol
Yes, I enjoy them also
Fun times indeed! 80s are good
I enjoy MMA, NFL Football, I'll watch soccer when there's big events, Hockey I can do (especially if its playoffs)
Yep, same for me so far so good
Will check it out
My daughter is raving about it… even several weeks after seeing it.
Yep, that's my usual go-to also but need to diversify
Seems to be all the rage, I see that quoted in a lot of places (eg. twitter)
Never heard of these, will check them out
I checked it, looks fun!
Didn't hear about that one, will check it out
That's a good way to approach it
Wow, interesting!
Merry Xmas gang! Best wishes to all
Yep, true!
Darn, hopefully it will start moving soon. I had issues in the past with some delivery companies in particular (cough cough DHL cough cough)
Interesting! What did you appreciate or enjoy in NS?
Same here!
I would play that!
Enjoy every single day… so obvious and precious, yet so easy to lose sight of