Fizz still doesn't support volte anyway! but they're working on it. So I guess it should be up and running later this year!
Already done, no more data left.Thank you! 😊
No more covid?
Swimming, It works all the muscles..
73IEU😀😀😀😀😀dans This is the place for your referral codes. Here, and only here ⇩ Commentaire de Zakkk février 2023
Well, with the many advantages that fizz has, I wouldn't say that this is a con.. We can easily get internet through a coffee or mcdonal's nearby and fix our issue..
They didn't let me send you any gift because your plan doesn't have any data. that's their policy..
Hey Michael, did you see my message? :@Michael P. 8945 In order to receive data you should have at least 1gb data plan active, so they don't let me send you any data. Sorry.
Already done, no more data left.Thank you! 😊
Already done, no more data left.Thank you! 😊
Already done, no more data left.Thank you! 😊
Already done, no more data left.Thank you! 😊
Btw! you can use my referral code 73IEU
UPDATE: I've already gifted all my data by now. Next time!☺️
@Michael P. 8945 In order to receive data you should have at least 1gb data plan active, so they don't let me send you any data. Sorry.
Done @M T. #12340 !
Done @sebastienh
Thanks @sebastienh
Thanks for all the info!dans Follow up to previous post re: Data Gifting without a data plan Commentaire de Zakkk février 2023
Hey, 1) That's a good idea, fizz's the best. 2) Yes, you can of course. 3) No, you can't do a referral using the same email. 4)Just contact fizz using their chat bubble from the website or through messenger facebook and they'll take care of it all, they need to contact virgin and then virgin will send you a text in your…
Even once a month shouldn't be acceptable, I've had their modem for 2 years with 0 issues so the problem must be related to your location!
He, 1gb sent! Enjoy
Send me your code if you found it! I can send you some data