J'ai une problème similaire. Après avoir eu du mal a faire fonctionner le LTE & MMS, j'ai pu y arriver en forçant la 3G avant de revenir vers le LTE. Sauf que... il arrive que je reperde le LTE parfois lorsque je passe d'une zone WiFi au LTE et à coup sûr lorque je redémarre le téléphone. Je suis alors contraint de refaire…
Thanks a lot again for all the support Truning LTE off then on did work for me. Everthing is fine now
Hi, here are the screenshots of the config. I checked many times the typo and checked also that there is no spaces which could prevent the config to work properly. I really think that all is correct except if I totally missed something
Thanks for all the help. Unfortunately nothing could resolve this issue so far. Maybe someone has an idea why I do not receive the config. notifications again when I ask them to be resent. It may help. I have a second phone with Fizz and it works well. I checked the APN config and noticed two new config. I do not see any…
I did checked many time that the values are exactly the ones given. No typo. I would like to have the configuration notification again to have everything set automatically. Unfortunately when requesting to resend these notifications I never get them