Dear WHIZZ. Thank you. Your private response helped me make a positive decision. You claimed (a) I had the BETA pricing and (b) that my plan was unchanged. I checked. This is false. While my CURRENT billing rate remains at the BETA price, my NEXT billing cycle still shows $34. It previously showed the lower BETA price.…
Salut Jean-Philippe P. J’en peut pu. J’aime mieux passer les fêtes avec mes amis et ma famille, et non avec tous ces problèmes de FIZZ. Alors je cancel aujourd’hui. Joyeux Noel et Bonne Anne tout le monde!
Hi Rene. Thanks for your interest. Unfortunately no, the voicemail and pricing issues have not been resolved. Worse, the “private response” from WHIZZ on my question “Will my next billing cycle be on the “regular” price, or do I get another 2 billing cycles at the BETA price?” contained false statements that I believe were…
Hello Whizz. Thank you for your response. You seem like a nice moderator who truly wants to be helpful, but I think you misunderstood the situation. I said that I went to “change my plan”, to set up voicemail as advised by the fizz website. You made the assumption that my plan did not include Voicemail, but it already did!…
Thank you for your help Rene. I wanted to know about the price for my NEXT billing cycle, not how much data I used. I would happily gift you all my data, if you use any. I think that following the instructions on the FIZZ website scr#wed me over on the plan price. I tried to get a response on CHAT, but they just cut me off…
Même problème ici. Quand la bulle CHAT est finalement apparu, je l’ai cliqué. J’ai attendu 2h pour qu’ils passent 5 personnes en avant de moi, mais quand c’était a mon tour, ils m’ont coupé la ligne sans me répondre. Il y a VRAIMENT UN PROBLEME avec le service FIZZ!!!
Bonjour ROLPHETE L. Avez-vous bien installe et activer votre carte SIM, (Voir https://fizz.ca/fr/faq/activer) le débloqué si nécessaire, et configurer les paramètres du réseau NPA? (voir https://fizz.ca/fr/faq/quels-sont-les-parametres-reseau-de-fizz-apn) Voir aussi :…
My APN settings seem fine. I verified that yesterday. I have been getting text messages. I just have not received any TXT with my VM PIN from FIZZ. It seems there is a PIN set, but I did not set it, and I do not know what it is. I have tried to access my VM BOTH from my Cell phone, and 1- 514-647-0999, then my cell#. I…
Thank you Sean H & Peter M. Unfortunately, I got no text, CHAT can not reset PIN or otherwise solve the issue, and I can still not access my VM. I would really like to get access to my VM! Any help, other than suggesting CHAT again, would be appreciated.
The Beta prices were only until the 20th of November. I activated my SIM that day & got the Beta price.
La periode "beta" est terminé le 20 Nov. Le site web a quelques problemes, et a besoin d'etre mise a jour. Desole.
I'm in the same boat. Just started svc on the 20th. My VM has a PIN that I never set up. Chat CS can't reset or do anything useful. Last 2 answers are BS. Website instructions do not work. Links to 404 error pages. CS chat will open ticket then tell u 2 wait 4 a response. When? Just wait. Your VM is not important! This is…