… I saw this post too late :( I would've been interested for sure.
Merci, je vais vérifier
That table is not accurage. I have a $3 rebate for internet. I can't remember at what level I got it but it's not listed in your table. Might be worth it for people having home internet (-$7 total :-$3 -$2 -$2 for each individual slot). I still have the beta 120mbps plan for $40, minus the $7, that's $33/month. Worth every…
Level 9 and less than 300 points away from level 10. Here are a few tips: #1: try to post as much pertinent content as possible (no junk or spam) #2: try to collect badges as soon as possible (they give a lot of points) #3: referrals, make some #3: use the rewards you get from #1, #2, and #3 to lower your monthly bill and…
You're welcome!
#1: try to post as much pertinent content as possible (no junk or spam) #2: try to collect badges as soon as possible (they give a lot of points) #3: referrals, make some #3: use the rewards you get from #1, #2, and #3 to lower your monthly bill by considering the rewards in the total data you actually use monthly so you…
They should at least remove them from the selection offered if it's not available anymore. It's confusing for everyone.
Interesting promo videos.
Nice promo video.
Good mid-range phone.
I'll send you some in a minute.
Thanks for the explaination.
Still haven't received the invitation. Do Fizz proceed by alphabetical order? Or by user seniority? I was in the first beta batch and still no contact (and nothing in my email junk box)
ZBDXR if any data left. Thanks in advance.
ZBDXR if any data left. Thanks in advance.
ZBDXR if any data left. Thanks in advance.
Here is my code: ZBDXR
I'll send you 500 mb in a minute.
Nice feature! Thanks!
Earn points! Le more you have the better, honestly, the best perks start at level 5.
Chances of this happening: slim to none... :(
Utilises-tu le WIfi 2.4ghz ou 5ghz? Le 2.4 ghz va limiter ta vitesse. Aussi, essaie de faire un test de vitesse avec une connexion filaire pour être certain.
Niveau 8, bientôt 9... Honnêtement, ça va être plus dur de monter de niveaux depuis le changement sur le pointage que Fizz a mis en place il y a quelques temps. Ça montait pas mal plus vite avant.
Mandalorian (Star wars)
I'll send you some.