Thanks everyone - I'm good now! I appreciate the commuity support here!
THanks - sorry about the double post.... can't figure out how to delete the double up!
Thanks everyone - I'm good now! I appreciate the community support!
THanks - sorry about the double post.... can't figure out how to delete the double up!
96LU2 - thanks!!! I really need a little bit to get to the end of the billing cylcle.
96LU2 Thanks!! > @Xiamilo said: > Giving away some data, drop your codes 👇👇
What app is that? That's pretty cool! > @ah727 said: > @EricPD > That's what I thought, but it's more a Videotron issue. My wife has a LG K61 phone with Videotron (Videotron has VoLTE), and it's the same pattern: 3G (no HSPA), but the top status network icon displays 4G, same as my Samsung A52 5G with Fizz. That adds to…
Felix - thanks for the FB groups - very helpful info! I'm also looking for some data: 96LU2 - if any has some to spare! ;)
96LU2 is the code you want! (Or, I want you to want...) Thanks!
96LU2 is the code you want! (Or, I want you to want...) Thanks!